As the trail leaves the parking area, it climbs slightly along Spence Branch until it reaches Dorsey Gap.This is an old road that was supposed to connect Schoolhouse Gap to Bote Mountain Trail and, ultimately, Spence Field.

The trail is wide and well maintained for easy travel. Right before the gap, there is a marshy area on the right of the trail good for birding or wildflower viewing. After you pass the gap, a narrow trail leads off to an area known as Whiteoak Sink. Caves in the Whiteoak Sink area provide homes for bats, although most caves are closed due to the threat of White Nose Syndrome.

As the trail continues to climb slightly to Schoolhouse Gap, you meet the Chestnut Top Trail, a trail that leads down to the Townsend Y. The trail continues until it reaches Schoolhouse Gap and the park boundary. While there is no record of a school being at the gap, the name may refer to the fact that students walked through the gap in order to go to school in Townsend.


The trailhead for the Schoolhouse Gap Trailhead is located on your right, roughly 3.7 miles from the Townsend "Y" junction.