Tag: COVID-19 Response

Blount County COVID-19 Information

Smoky Mountain Adventures are Open during COVID-19

Our nation is in a unique time in history, as we watch the COVID-19 pandemic unfold. With all of the change, Blount County wants to make sure as we learn a new normal, we keep everyone safe and healthy. The Great Smoky Mountains gives our county and travel industry a responsible way to stay active and entertained. Following Governor Bill Lee’s “Tennessee Pledge” for reopening businesses and recreation areas, we want to clarify any confusion about safety and regulations during this phased approach to increase access to our travel industry. Here are some highlights of the COVID-19 pandemic responses we have in place to keep both staff and customers healthy.
Smoky Mountain Adventures are Open


Travel is a personal choice. However, travel is not advised for those in a high-risk category, those who are sick or traveling with those who are sick, and we discourage groups of 10 or more people traveling together. Beginning May 9, the Great Smoky Mountain Park will be reopening many roads and trails.
Campgrounds, picnic pavilions, visitor centers, and may secondary roads will remain closed until later phases. With a variety of roadways open to pedestrians and cyclists, while still being closed to motorists, right now is a smart time to bike and hike. Right now is also an excellent time for family day trips or short weekend adventures, allowing us to fulfill our spirit of travel while keeping us closer to home. We expect people to follow local area health orders, avoid crowds, and practice “Leave No Trace” principals. Be prepared for new safety regulations and protocols to be enforced by park managers and staff. These short excursions are a great way to break up the monotony we’ve all experienced over the last couple of months.
Join us in maintaining your health with plenty of sunshine and exercise in our gorgeous backyard. For facility openings, service hours, and access, please visit the park website at www.nps.gov/grsm/planyourvisit/conditions.htm (link).


  • We provided enhanced cleaning protocols that follow CDC/OSHA guidelines on all high traffic/high touch areas, guest areas, and guest rooms.
  • We provided hand sanitizer in high traffic locations.
  • Check-in and payment processes modified, and designated entrance and exit routes provided to maintain social distancing, if possible.
  • Plastic shields or barriers established between customers and employees and cleaned every two hours.
  • Foodservice facilities following the Restaurant Guidelines provided by the Economic Recovery Group.
  • Gyms must be staffed to be open and will follow Exercise Facility Guidelines provided by the Economic Recovery Group.
  • Salon and spa services following Close Contact Personal Service Guidelines issued by the Economic Recovery Group.
  • Customer occupation limits for indoor activities limited to 50% capacity.
  • Group sizes limited to less than ten people, and the combining of non-associated groups will be avoided.
  • Equipment layout and access restricted to maintain social distancing guidelines, and shared resources sanitized regularly.
  • Approved youth participation monitored to ensure children comply with applicable guidelines.
  • Customers screened for illness upon entry to the facility.

Townsend Visitor Center Staff Wearing Facemasks


COVID-19 screening is in place for each employee reporting to work daily. Businesses regularly supply appropriate training and personal protective equipment, based on the CDC guidelines, including providing cloth face masks. We have supplied staff areas with extensive signage on health policies, along with hand sanitizing stations, and staggered staffing to maintain social distancing. Guidelines require all staff to report any illness to supervisors and provide notification of any COVID-19 positive cases within their households. We will send home any suspected or confirmed cases and instruct to self-quarantine based on CDC recommendations.
 Smoky Mountain Trails are Open for Hikers


The biggest thing you can do to help keep everyone healthy and safe is to maintain social distancing. Be sure to look for signage and stay in your designated area while waiting and participating. Increase personal hygiene by washing hands regularly and using hand sanitizer, when available. Call ahead for reservations to reduce clusters of waiting groups and wear facemasks when in public. If you feel ill at any time during this COVID-19 pandemic, please STAY HOME.
Smoky Mountain Shops are Open

For ideas on how to enjoy yourself in the Great Smoky Mountains, try these:
